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But We’re Still Here is our third Storytelling Through Dance program. On the surface it is a project that combines dance, theater, and music to educate community through a theater production. Underneath, the project creates leadership development opportunities for community members as it pairs up experienced artists with novice ones. On a deeper level yet, it looks to create transformational moments for participants, as they work through self limiting beliefs.

The story itself follows two women, a mother and a daughter who are presented with very traumatic situations. Adela, the mother, is told by Mr. Wolf that she needs to lie to the workers of the company she is the office manager, so that they are robbed part of their payment. Her daughter Candela, wont tell her mother that she has been sexually assaulted by her boyfriend because she doesn't even know if the action amounts to rape. Candela is visited by the Three Little Pigs who want to help her deal with the problem.

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