Where Did You Go by Nancy Sellers
I can still hear your voice
In Zen Buddhist chants
On the answering machine
In the wind whipping through the tree branches
I can still smell you
The scent of farm animals
The aroma of woods and trails not yet explored
The sweat and sweetness of love
I can still feel your touch
Bodies intertwined
Warm breath
That light touch I still feel on the back of my neck
I can still see you
A smile playing about your lips
The deep wisdom and knowing in your eyes
That look of hope on your face until your very last breath

About the author: Nancy Sellers, of Exeter Township, is a lifelong resident of the Reading area. She has had many life changes the past two years, the most profound being the loss of her husband of 30 years. Nancy’s loss led her to go deeper into spiritual reflection and to find ways to express the emotions that ebb and flow during the grief process. Barrio Alegria held month-long poetry workshops in April through Zoom. Nancy attended these workshops and was inspired to go deeper, wherein this poem pushed forward from what she refers to as the Light within.